This is on hold, for many reasons.
The first mainly being I dont have a lot of time on my hand's to write good post's so everything I do is quick.
And second I don't have a camera to put lovely pictures up.
When these things change I WILL start doing this again.
Untill then, listen to Slayer, Black Metal, and The Police to get by your boring lifes.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
The Trash Talkers are comin' to town!
First impressions you get by Trash Talk: EVIL.

Liturally one of the best bands to come from the US in a long time. There hate filled music just backs up there criminal lifestlyes. After there release of a 7" on Malfuction, which is fast, furious and poseses more wickedness then the devil him self, Trash Talk have really set them selves up for an
insane UK/Europe tour ahead of them.
So far touring with/soon to be bands such as Modern Life Is War, The Mongoloids, Cold World, Trapped Under Ice, and many more Trash Talk are notourious for fucking shit up along the way, playing fast, smoking loads of weed. They plan to play Europe, then go home for another tour straight on to Sound and Fury with very little break's inbetween.
Trash Talks upcoming LP will be out on TTCollective this summer. TTCollective is for Trash Talk Collective... guess they like to be in control.
If you want more infomation about Trash Talk you can read there blog here and listen to them here!
Trash Talks upcoming LP will be out on TTCollective this summer. TTCollective is for Trash Talk Collective... guess they like to be in control.
If you want more infomation about Trash Talk you can read there blog here and listen to them here!
All together Trash Talk pretty much put up there middle finger and shuv it in the faces of authrities, public, and anyone else who is going to try stop them or has a problem with what they do. Dope fucking band.
Friday, 2 May 2008
Cursed @ The Underworld, Camden - 1st May.
1st May... day to remember!
Last night I went to go see Cursed play, one of my favorite bands. The full line up was Wraith, Taint, Cursed plus one more band which I cant remember the name of who were terrible and the vocalist looked like Jack Sparrow, sociably unacceptable. But really there was only one band who stood out, Cursed obviously. From the start of there set to the end everything they did, every song they played, every speech, all of it was amazing. The crowd at the front were going mad, some chick with pink hair kept trying to hit people, the vocalist randomly start talking about cute guys and having a period when you see them... yeah wtf?!? But all in all if you were not there, you missed out totally! It was probably one of the highlights of the month if not the year! So hopefully with the success of the tour we should see this Canadian four piece on our stage's again soon.
Along with the untouchable greatness of Cursed, the band that opened, Wraith, were also amazing. Coming from Wales and also being on the whole tour this should of help them a fair bit.
You can buy both Cursed and Wraith's records from the Reflections Records store.
On other news I feel terrible for work this morning. Please say the next eight hours goes fast because I'm straight away going to bed when I get home.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
GTA 4!
IS another level! This game is incredible. I picked it up after work last night and played it for an hour or so but really, it fucking smacks it. So far I haven't picked up a gun, or done anything crazy I'm just getting used to playing it properly so far.
The best thing is that some of the car's are dope as fuck! The muscle car's really slide and the big SUV's are beast's! There apparently isn't any plains :( like the last few games but there's more helicopters so were not loosing out.
I shall add pictures when I have the time... Maybe.
So i've been pretty busy over the last few weeks and even more busy in the coming few weeks as well! Got payed the other week so i've picked up some dope threads from The Hideout and Upper Playground in London. Along with my new sneakers as seen below.
Got some good shows coming up soon, a little list would be:
1st May - Cursed @ The Underworld, Camden.
3rd May - Throats Split 7" release show with Maths @ Beyond Retro?!
7th June - There is my All-Day show in Harrow, Going to be sick @ the Trinity Bar.
15th May - The Movielife @ The Peel
And loads more... Guns Up!, Converge, Integrity, so on.
Friday, 25 April 2008
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Playing in the snow!?!
I've recently been away skiing. It was probably the best holiday I've ever been on. If you don't ski, specially if you haven't even thought of going skiing then it's 100% defiantly worth the effort to go.
I went to a resort in France, close to Switzerland, call Avoriaz. (closer look here!)
I'll add pictures when i'm back from work, because I came home last night at about 1 a.m went to bed and got up for work at 6... death.
I went to a resort in France, close to Switzerland, call Avoriaz. (closer look here!)
I'll add pictures when i'm back from work, because I came home last night at about 1 a.m went to bed and got up for work at 6... death.
Friday, 11 April 2008
CURSED have a new record out on Good Fellow Records from Canada, It's called "3". "3" is the follow on from the two previous albums titled "1" and "2" so what would you expect this one to be called. As soon as my pay check is in I'm going to get it straight away. If you haven't listened to cursed then please please please go listen to them now! Cursed also write an awesome blog you can read here, check out there pleasant name for it as-well. As they just about to come on a european tour check them out in a town or city near you! There new album is a perfect mix between hardcore, metal and doom. If you like the sounds of it please check out two more bands - Jailbait from the UK and Black Ships also from Canada.
Sabbath Bloody OBEY?!
First off if your unaware of OBEY by Shepard Fairey then reading this is pointless. Im not going on about his history or the story behind OBEY but you can always read all about it here! His art s incredible that's all I will say about him. There is one piece of his work I really like. Shepard incorporates his OBEY logo with loads of different idea's ranging from just the plain OBEY face with obey written beneath or above it, all the way too the face on a small scale in the middle of a massive piece though his defining image is not always found within his works. A lot of his work can be found on screen prints via his website. Due to high demand they normally disappear from there quickly and are soon being sold on the online market of ebay!

This piece I mentioned that I really liked, I more then just really like it! I would pay anything for this. From my title you can probably guess its something to do with Black Sabbath. A close friend of Shepard Fairey works for the Ozzy family and has always pushed his work forward for them to see. Shepard being a big fan of Sabbath was very happy to accept the request from the band for some art. The spec was just a few t-shirt designs and a poster. The t-shirt was a mimic of the first ever OBEY design, "Audre the giant has a posse", the band asked for the words changed to "Black Sabbath has a posse". The print is a rare sight with only being out of 300 on red and another 300 on orange released in 2005.

This is incredible. If you buy one for me we can be best friends... for life.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
The months go on and on...
So I kinda sucked at not putting something up here every day, not that anyone cares. But I do have an excuse. I've got a new job... finally. I work for Carlton Book Publishing, just off Oxford Street and its going pretty well so far. But due to working long hours from very early in the morning to the deep darkness of night I've been focusing more on work then anything else. But it's weird going into the city every day. There's things I notice, only little things, but they do stick in my mind a lot. For instance, I often see the strangest things like out my bosses window in a building a block or so away there's around about 8 angels all looking into the round at one point, look's incredible. If I had a camera that worked I'd probably take a few photo's of it but untill then you just get to read about it. There's more. Like, I see the same faces on the same roads if my timing is good enough and I'm beginning to tell what moods there in or weather there having a good day or not, it amuses me on my way to work each day I must say.
I am planning on buying a camera so I can take a load of photo's and review a load of cool, crazy shit I see each day. Because I do see a lot of wild but wonderful things.
This is where i'll finish and promise to write something soon... wont happen though. All I can say is that I will try.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Friday, 21 March 2008
right, so I started this hoping to do something cool with it but with me being lazy and a lack off cool sense it's never really picked up but im going to sort it out. And try write something in here everyday.. yes thats right everyday! Just random shit for people to read. Becouse for some reason I find blogs interesting! Hope you do too. xo
right, so I started this hoping to do something cool with it but with me being lazy and a lack off cool sense it's never really picked up but im going to sort it out. And try right something in here everyday.. yes thats right everyday! Just random shit for people to read. Becouse for something I find blogs interesting! Hope you do too. xo
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
I havn't wrote much recently...
Im sorry,
Ive been so busy with stuff, and I still havn't got a job but its my birthday soon! So ive been trying to sort that out with what i'm doing. Hopefully I'll just go TGI's with a load of mates - no agro, no shit. I don't want some big event to happen because I dont give a fuck about my birthday myself so I dont wan't other people too either! Ive booked another show bands along the lines off Dirty Money, Nervous Wreck, Bitter End, Meltdown and a few more, ten in total. Iron Age are amazing. Ive been listening to them along recently, and I dont know why but Black Sabbath have been near the top of my play list too. I need a skateboard again, my mum ran it over about two years ago and I miss skating so much! I would like someone to care for too, like being single is totally not cool, sometimes it would be nice to have someone there for you. Poor times, but other then that everythings cool. Why did you read all of that? I don't know but I will start writting more interesting stuff, about music and shows I dunno!
Ive been so busy with stuff, and I still havn't got a job but its my birthday soon! So ive been trying to sort that out with what i'm doing. Hopefully I'll just go TGI's with a load of mates - no agro, no shit. I don't want some big event to happen because I dont give a fuck about my birthday myself so I dont wan't other people too either! Ive booked another show bands along the lines off Dirty Money, Nervous Wreck, Bitter End, Meltdown and a few more, ten in total. Iron Age are amazing. Ive been listening to them along recently, and I dont know why but Black Sabbath have been near the top of my play list too. I need a skateboard again, my mum ran it over about two years ago and I miss skating so much! I would like someone to care for too, like being single is totally not cool, sometimes it would be nice to have someone there for you. Poor times, but other then that everythings cool. Why did you read all of that? I don't know but I will start writting more interesting stuff, about music and shows I dunno!
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Valentine stuffffffffff.
Yes another year with a day thats so overated were you spend way to much money on people who probley wont be there soon enough. But something cool is what Original Fake have done. Taking there cheeky little moscot and making a pretty sweet design for a valentines tshirt. design below. If the dollors right im going to pick one when its printed.
Long time...
So ive been lazy man, been out and about going to Nando's, listening to rad music, seeing good friends, its all been pretty good over the last week. I promise to do something cool on this soon enough... soon enough yeah.
Peace till next time.
Peace till next time.
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Bracewar Tour Cancelled :( !
Yes, True bad times, bad times indeed.
So my whole show in cancelled, thanks to anyone who was coming.
So my whole show in cancelled, thanks to anyone who was coming.
Bored of just sitting around?
So I havn't had a job for almost a month, it sucks big time! So today I got up aload of applacation forms and filled them in, it took ages but i'll have to see what comes out off it. I have applied for Topman, Topshop, Mulberrys in House Of Fraser and still doing a few others.
Boring day though!
Boring day though!
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Bracewar London Date - Hardcore Show
So Yeah if there is any people wondering when and where the London date of the Bracewar tour with it is on the 13th March at The Dome (Tuffnel Park) two stops above Camden If you didnt know. The Line up is:
Trash Talk
True Colours
Nervous Wreck - Maybe, This would be there first show in a long time.
Storm & Stress OR Jailbait
Gameover - Record Release Show
Tickets are £6
On the door £8
For tickets message
The doors are at 7 with the first band on 7:30ish
I hope to have the show finished by 10:30
Thanks for reading
Trash Talk
True Colours
Nervous Wreck - Maybe, This would be there first show in a long time.
Storm & Stress OR Jailbait
Gameover - Record Release Show
Tickets are £6
On the door £8
For tickets message
The doors are at 7 with the first band on 7:30ish
I hope to have the show finished by 10:30
Thanks for reading
So, After all this time...
I finally made something to blog in and write loads of shit for you to read. I have been meaning to do this for a long, long time. Back in the days when a lot of kids had live journal's and wrote really rediculas things in to impress there friends. Though if it wasn't for my friend Arthur making one I probley would of never got round to this.
It's already Tuesday? I feel like I'm missing so much of my life because time just goes so fast. The past weekend was amazing. I had such a great time and got to learn a lot about people I didn't know much about. Which in my opinion is great because there is to many people I never really get to know to well due to just seeing them at shows now and again. My weekend involved: Seeing about 20 amazing bands!, sleeping 7 people in a 2 person hotel room, terrorizing public so much, being arrested, and just laughing so much. Thank you everyone involved.
Ill post more interesting things soon, soon when I have time and I'm not sleeping/out/can be bothered... You know the score.
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