This piece I mentioned that I really liked, I more then just really like it! I would pay anything for this. From my title you can probably guess its something to do with Black Sabbath. A close friend of Shepard Fairey works for the Ozzy family and has always pushed his work forward for them to see. Shepard being a big fan of Sabbath was very happy to accept the request from the band for some art. The spec was just a few t-shirt designs and a poster. The t-shirt was a mimic of the first ever OBEY design, "Audre the giant has a posse", the band asked for the words changed to "Black Sabbath has a posse". The print is a rare sight with only being out of 300 on red and another 300 on orange released in 2005.

This is incredible. If you buy one for me we can be best friends... for life.