Liturally one of the best bands to come from the US in a long time. There hate filled music just backs up there criminal lifestlyes. After there release of a 7" on Malfuction, which is fast, furious and poseses more wickedness then the devil him self, Trash Talk have really set them selves up for an
insane UK/Europe tour ahead of them.
So far touring with/soon to be bands such as Modern Life Is War, The Mongoloids, Cold World, Trapped Under Ice, and many more Trash Talk are notourious for fucking shit up along the way, playing fast, smoking loads of weed. They plan to play Europe, then go home for another tour straight on to Sound and Fury with very little break's inbetween.
Trash Talks upcoming LP will be out on TTCollective this summer. TTCollective is for Trash Talk Collective... guess they like to be in control.
If you want more infomation about Trash Talk you can read there blog here and listen to them here!
Trash Talks upcoming LP will be out on TTCollective this summer. TTCollective is for Trash Talk Collective... guess they like to be in control.
If you want more infomation about Trash Talk you can read there blog here and listen to them here!
All together Trash Talk pretty much put up there middle finger and shuv it in the faces of authrities, public, and anyone else who is going to try stop them or has a problem with what they do. Dope fucking band.